Contractor Intake Form
This form is used to provide contact information for all independent contractors and vendors that work with RSS. Please make sure you have all personal and business information required before beginning this form.
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Your Name
Your company name, if applicable. Do not type Rodgers Security Solutions here.
If you have a job title at your company, please provide it here. If you do not have a company or title, please leave this blank.
Will you or your company be providing security or executive protection services through Rodgers Security Solutions?
Which of these forms of identification do you have?
Click on all that apply. Please note that you will be asked to upload a copy of this form of identification at the end of this form.
If you own a company that is providing services to/through RSS
If applicable
Only provide if you own a company that is providing services to/through RSS
Physical Address
Is the physical address and mailing address the same?
Is there a secondary business contact we should know about?
This is for individuals that have business partners or associates that would make contact with Rodgers Security Solutions for billing or other reasons.


Please provide this information in case of emergency.
Emergency Contact #1 Name
Emergency Contact #2 Name

Additional Information


Only provide if you do not have an EIN. The number provided must match the name given above to avoid backup withholding.
The number provided must match the company name given above to avoid backup withholding.
Check the appropriate box for federal tax classification of the entity/individual whose name is entered above. Check only one of the following nine boxes.
Note: Check the “LLC” box above and, in the entry space, enter the appropriate code (C, S, or P) for the tax classification of the LLC, unless it is a disregarded entity. A disregarded entity should instead check the appropriate box for the tax classification of its owner.
Under penalties of perjury, I certify that:
Check each box that you certify under penalties of perjury to be truthful and factual.


How would you prefer to be paid for your services?
Would you like to provide your payment information now?


I certify that I will address all concerns, complaints, questions, and suggestions to RSS management and not RSS's client(s), employees, or contractors.
I acknowledge that I will be working with individuals from diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and experience levels, including RSS employees, contractors, and clients. If a dispute or misunderstanding arises that cannot be amicably resolved, I will promptly seek assistance from RSS management. If my issue is with a site supervisor, I will seek assistance from RSS management.
I understand that RSS has a zero-tolerance policy for all forms of harassment and bullying. If I am accused of such behavior, I may be removed from my assignment and deemed ineligible for future assignments and contracts with RSS. I acknowledge that RSS reserves the right to take appropriate action based on its policies and any investigations, and I accept responsibility for my conduct in accordance with these standards. If I witness harassment or bullying involving an RSS employee, representative, or contractor, I will immediately notify RSS management. If I witness harassment or bullying involving an RSS client, I will follow the established safety protocols to address the situation.
I certify that I will return all materials, badges, equipment, uniforms, or property belonging to RSS and/or its clients at the end of my working relationship with RSS. Whether the relationship ends voluntarily or involuntarily, I will not retain any items that do not belong to me.
I certify that I have no conflicts of interest that would jeopardize my working relationship with Rodgers Security Solutions.
Do you have any outside employment, business interests, or affiliations that could potentially conflict with your duties at RSS? Do you or any immediate family members have a financial interest (e.g., ownership, investment, partnership) in any entity that does business with RSS?
I certify that during my working relationship with Rodgers Security Solutions (RSS), I will not disclose any confidential information about RSS, its clients, employees, contractors, representatives, or agents, in any form (written, video, audio, or otherwise). If in doubt, I will treat information as confidential. I also understand that RSS will not disclose my confidential information for any purposes outside of our working relationship. This Agreement to maintain confidentiality of any disclosed information will remain in effect for ten (10) years.


In the File Upload area below, please attach a copy of your driver’s license or identification card, guard card (if applicable), any permits and licenses, CPR/First Aid card, etc.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 9 files.
You can upload your completed W-9 form, a copy of your guard card, permits, or any other documentation here. That will save you and our team a lot of time.

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